10 Secrets to Snagging Travel Upgrades Every Time

Dreaming of flying first class or enjoying a luxury hotel suite without breaking the bank? Upgrades can turn an ordinary experience into an extraordinary one. Here are ten insider tips to increase your chances of getting that coveted upgrade on your next trip. Remember, a little strategy goes a long way!

#1. Join Loyalty Programs

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Enroll in airline and hotel loyalty programs. Even basic members have a shot at upgrades when available.

#2. Travel During Off-Peak Times

Image Credit: Shutterstock / TippaPatt

Upgrade opportunities soar during less busy times when premium seats and rooms go unbooked.

#3. Dress to Impress

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AnnaStills

Looking the part can help; airlines and hotels are more likely to upgrade well-dressed guests to maintain an upscale image.

#4. Celebrate a Special Occasion

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Chokniti-Studio

Mention if you’re celebrating a special occasion like an anniversary or birthday. Businesses love to be part of your celebration with an upgrade.

#5. Arrive Early—or Late

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Aila Images

Being early increases your chances of snagging unclaimed upgrades. Conversely, arriving late might work when all standard rooms or seats are taken.

#6. Be Polite and Ask

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Sometimes, just asking in a polite and friendly manner can land you that upgrade. Remember, kindness goes a long way.

#7. Use a Travel Agent

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Travel agents often have relationships with airlines and hotels and can secure upgrades not available to the general public.

#8. Volunteer for Later Flights

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alexandros Michailidis

If your flight is overbooked, volunteer to take a later one. Airlines might offer an upgrade as compensation.

#9. Offer to Pay a Little Extra

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Kamil Macniak

If upgrades are available at check-in, offering to pay a small fee can result in a significant leap in comfort and luxury.

#10. Leverage Social Media

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Evgeny Atamanenko

Before or during your stay, engaging with the airline or hotel on social media might catch their attention and result in an upgrade as a thank you.

Make Every Trip Unforgettable

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Look Studio

With these tips, you’re well on your way to enjoying the finer things during your travels, without the hefty price tag. Remember, the art of getting upgrades is a blend of loyalty, timing, and a touch of charm. Safe travels, and may your next journey be upgraded!

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The post 10 Secrets to Snagging Travel Upgrades Every Time first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

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