17 Ways New Jersey Outshines NYC for Living

New Jersey might not have the glitz of NYC, but it sure does make more sense for a lot of people. Why, you ask? Let’s break it down into bite-sized reasons.

#1. Lower Cost of Living

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Living in New Jersey can be significantly cheaper than NYC. From groceries to gym memberships, your everyday expenses won’t hit you as hard.

#2. Affordable Housing

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The housing market in New Jersey offers more bang for your buck. You can find larger living spaces for less money, which is a win-win.

#3. Cheaper Utilities

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Utility costs in New Jersey are generally lower than in NYC. Heating your apartment in the winter won’t make you wince when the bill comes.

#4. Less Taxing Taxes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Africa Studio

New Jersey residents often enjoy lower personal income tax rates compared to New Yorkers, which means more money in your pocket.

#5. Better Value Groceries

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stokkete

Shopping for food in New Jersey can be cheaper, with several large grocery stores offering lower prices than the small corner stores in NYC.

#6. More Space

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone

You get more space in New Jersey—both inside and outside. Think bigger apartments, homes with yards, and plenty of parks.

#7. Less Crowded

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andrew F. Kazmierski

Say goodbye to the shoulder-to-shoulder lifestyle of NYC. New Jersey offers a more relaxed environment with fewer crowds.

#8. Easier Commutes

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sampajano_Anizza

Despite popular belief, commuting from New Jersey to NYC can be quicker and more comfortable than commuting from within different parts of New York itself.

#9. Family Friendly

Image Credit: Shutterstock / DavideAngelini

New Jersey is known for its family-oriented communities, great for raising kids with good schools and active neighborhoods.

#10. Better Air Quality

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Pheelings media

With more green spaces and less congestion, the air quality in New Jersey is generally better than in NYC.

#11. Lower Crime Rates

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Mihai_Andritoiu

Safer neighborhoods with lower crime rates make New Jersey an appealing option for those concerned about safety.

#12. Strong Community Vibes

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The sense of community in New Jersey’s towns and cities can be stronger than in NYC’s often transient population.

#13. Proximity to NYC

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ymgerman

Living in New Jersey doesn’t mean you’re cut off from NYC. You can still enjoy the perks of the city without living in the hustle.

#14. Diverse Culture

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matushchak Anton

New Jersey boasts a vibrant mix of cultures, offering rich cultural experiences from festivals to food.

#15. Access to Nature

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stephen Bonk

From beaches to trails, New Jersey provides ample opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and connect with nature.

#16. Less Stressful Lifestyle

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dragon Images

Overall, the lifestyle in New Jersey can be less stressful compared to the constant buzz of NYC.

#17. Investment Opportunities

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Korawat photo shoot

With its growing appeal, investing in New Jersey property can be a smart move as more people consider it a viable alternative to NYC.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock / stockce

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The post 17 Ways New Jersey Outshines NYC for Living first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dragon Images.

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