7 Common Solar Care Errors for Homeowners and How to Avoid Them


Whether you’re new to solar or have had solar panels for years, you need to make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect your investment.

Following proper procedures when it comes to caring for your panels is crucial to their durability, as well as protecting your home from dirt and debris. An unclean panel can lead to a damaged system that either no longer works or causes spots all over your roof.

If you have solar panels on your house, you need to make sure you understand the solar care errors for homeowners so you can act to prevent them. Are you wondering how to care for solar panels?

Keep reading to learn all about it!

1. Not Having a Solar Care Routine

Proper maintenance is a crucial part of owning solar panels. However, if a proper solar care routine is not adopted, it can lead to a variety of errors and inefficiencies. A common error that can occur when a homeowner neglects a solar care routine includes reduced energy production due to:

  • dirt
  • dust
  • debris

It also leads to reduced efficiency caused by damaged and broken solar panels, or damage to the racks and mounting of the panels due to wear and tear. To avoid these errors, it is important to establish a regular solar care routine. Regularly inspect the panels for dirt, dust, debris, and physical damage, and schedule regular maintenance, such as cleaning and resealing, to ensure peak performance.

2. Not Cleaning Solar Panels Regularly

One of the most common solar care mistakes made by homeowners is not cleaning solar panels regularly. Dirt and dust particles can significantly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the cells, leading to less energy being produced. To avoid this, try to clean your solar panels at least once every 3 to 6 months by using a hose and soft brush and avoiding any abrasive materials like steel wool.

Make sure to also check the solar panel mount, wiring, and other electrical components and repair or replace them as needed. Finally, consider getting a professional service to clean and inspect your system at least once a year.

3. Failing to Do Solar Panel Repairs

One of the most common solar care errors homeowners make is failing to do solar panel repairs. Over time, all solar panels suffer from wear and tear due to exposure to the elements like wind and sun. If not repaired and maintained regularly these elements can damage your solar panels, drastically reducing their efficiency.

Its important to clean your solar panels regularly of dirt, debris, and bird droppings. Its also important to check your solar panel mounting system for loose connections or corrosion that could lead to a system breakdown. Lastly, never ignore any warning signs or problem alerts from your solar system, such as an orange or red light blinking from your inverter.

4. Failing to Consider the Cost of Solar Care

One of the most common solar care errors homeowners make is failing to consider the cost of solar care. While some solar systems are touted as low or zero maintenance, the reality is that there will be a cost associated with regular maintenance and checkups. Homeowners should factor the cost of regular cleanings, repairs, and monitoring into their budgets.

This is to ensure the upkeep of their system. Using a certified solar installer can help provide accurate estimates of the cost of these services. This is to help homeowners plan.

Doing diligent research and finding a reputable installer is essential. These include contacting the manufacturer’s technical support in case of a problem. See more info about the residential solar system and how to take care of it.

5. Failing to Monitor Your Energy Usage

Common solar care errors for homeowners can be avoided by monitoring energy usage. Neglecting to monitor energy usage can lead to the over or underutilization of solar energy. This can lead to an increase in energy costs.

To avoid this mistake, homeowners should monitor their energy usage with a web-based application, smart meter, or energy audit. By monitoring their energy consumption, homeowners can ensure any excess energy is used efficiently and reduce energy costs. Additionally, regular cleaning of solar panels can help increase efficiency.

6. Not Reading Warranty Terms and Conditions

This is an important error that homeowners should be aware of when caring for their solar systems. Not reading warranty terms and conditions may void the warranty on your solar system and can lead to costly repairs and replacements. To properly care for your solar system, homeowners should become familiar with the manufacturers warranty and understand how it pertains to their solar system.

Reading the warranty also helps homeowners be aware of what is covered and what isn’t. It is also important to read the fine print so that homeowners know when and how to properly use their system. These include how it will need to be maintained to keep the warranty valid.

7. Improper Placing the Solar Panels

Improper placement of the solar panels can cause some issues. One common mistake is incorrectly calculating the roof pitch of the roof. To ensure the solar panels are placed on the proper slope, homeowners should consult with an expert.

Improper placement of the panels can also lead to reflection back into the home from the solar panels, which can be uncomfortable and uncomfortable for those inside. To avoid this, homeowners should select a solar panel that has a coating to reduce glare.

Lastly, homeowners should be aware of how much direct sunlight reaches their homes. You should also avoid having the panels too close to trees or structures that could create shadows that affect the efficiency of the solar panels.

Be Aware of These Solar Care Errors for Homeowners

In conclusion, taking the necessary measures to ensure proper and safe use of solar panels is key to avoiding costly errors. Homeowners should read up on best solar practices and partner with a trusted solar specialist. This is to ensure their system is properly taken care of and running efficiently.

Being aware of solar care errors for homeowners can greatly help you. Make sure to do a lot of research before you get a residential solar system. Take advantage of this free knowledge and reach out to a qualified technician today!

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