The Regulations Clash Of CBD And Other Facts To Know To Use It For Healthy Benefits

There are a lot of facts that you should know about CBD and its usage right from the rules and restrictions, the regulation clash as well as the other facts. Such knowledge will help you to choose the right product and also use it in the right proportion so that chances of any side effect are eliminated.

Several physicians especially those who are related with cancer treatments have long been aware of the fact that smoking cannabis as well as marijuana can effectively and efficiently relieve the patients for the terrible feeling of nausea which is usually associated with chemotherapy. The consequential benefit of it is that the patients are able to maintain their weight which is crucial for survival.

In a survey conducted by the Harvard Medical School in 1991 in fact revealed that about 44% of oncologists had typically recommended their patients to use marijuana and cannabis after chemotherapy.

The regulation clash

With such impressive facts and figures available, the controversy regarding use of cannabis and CBD products never seems to end.

  • There are a few drug enforcement officials who have even broken their ranks simply to support the medical use of this product.
  • Historically, in 1988 there was a DEA administrative law judge who even wrote that marijuana and cannabis should be classified as a Schedule II drug meaning it is safe for limited uses.

Marijuana as it is in its natural form is supposed to be one of the most active substances known to the humans which is also one of the safest substance that can be used therapeutically to some extent. It is for this fact it is currently accepted as a medicine that can be used in treatment in the United States chemotherapy related symptoms such as vomiting and nausea but this is not free from any controversy as well.

  • The DEA has strongly rejected this opinion and have even wanted the courts to intervene, though the attempts to reclassify it have failed.
  • On the other hand, there are different states that have formulated their own laws regarding the use of marijuana and CBD by the physicians. In the late 1970s, there were about 34 states that passed laws that allowed the doctors to recommend the use of marijuana and cannabis.
  • 24 states out of these remain on the books who have also admonished the creation of specific research programs on cannabinoids.

However, the trouble lies somewhere else. It is the governing body of these state laws that you should understand as well.

Ideally, the state laws are usually superseded by the federal laws and it is the position of the federal government on cannabis that has made things crystal clear. According to them, marijuana must remain classified as a Schedule I drug on the list of DEA for controlled substances. This means it will not have any accepted medical use currently and cannot be prescribed by any doctor under any circumstances.

Nevertheless, later when the Compassionate Use Act became a law, marijuana and cannabis were recommending to three seriously ill patients. However, the physicians had the obligation to inform their patients about the medical issues.

Need may be different

When you go through different websites such as and others you will know that the need for each patient is different and accordingly cannabis and other products should be recommeneded for use. Every patient is unique and due to the countless variables such as:

  • Weight
  • Diet
  • Bodily needs
  • Metabolism
  • Environment
  • Genetics
  • Product consistency and much more.

All these variables make it difficult for the doctors to prescribe a universal dosage for the patients. Ideally, there is no mathematical CBD dosage calculator and the process is not quite simple and it is always a very rough estimate that the physicians can come up with. CBD dosages are calculated based on different parameters such as:

  • Scientific research
  • Traditional use
  • Publications and
  • Expert opinion.

At the most, the physicians can follow the official serving standard that is created after thorough an all-encompassing analysis of hundreds of CBD products.

The dosage recommended

The discrepancy in the dosage standards is due to the fact that it cannot be ascertained precisely and universally. This means that most patients who are new to cannabinoids are usually recommended a minimal CBD dosage to start their journey on any product. If all goes well, the dosage is then increased gradually until the desired results are achieved.

  • Ideally, this standard is set at 25 mg of CBD to be taken twice daily.
  • When the CBD dosage needs to be increased after studying the progress and effects in a patient after 3 to 4 weeks, an additional 25 mg is proposed.

However, if the symptoms worsen the dosage may be reduced by 25 mg.

Cannabinoid dosages and the duration of the treatment will largely depend on the type of illness, its severity, and myriad other factors. The most common list of CBD dosage followed by the doctors for various illnesses is:

  • For loss of appetite experienced by cancer patients: 2.5 mg of THC with or without 1 mg of CBD to be taken orally for six weeks
  • For chronic pain: 2.5 to 20 mg of CBD with or without THC to be taken orally
  • For epilepsy: 200 to 300 mg of CBD a day to be taken orally daily
  • Movement issues due to Huntington’s disease: 10 mg of CBD per kg of body weight to be taken orally and daily for six weeks
  • Sleep disorders: 40 mg to 160 mg of CBD taken orally
  • Multiple Sclerosis symptoms: 2.5 to 120 mg of cannabis plant extract with a THC or CBD combination to be take daily for 2 to 15 weeks. For patients typically using sprays must use eight sprays in any three hours and a maximum of 48 sprays in 24 hour period
  • Schizophrenia: 40 to 1,280 mg oral intake of CBD daily
  • Glaucoma: One sublingual CBD dosage of 20 to 40 mg

It is therefore advised that you explain things to your doctor fully to get the right treatment.

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