Top Benefits of Getting Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are essential to maintain good vision and prevent eye disease. It also helps detect diseases like glaucoma, which has no symptoms in the early stages and can lead to permanent blindness.


Detecting Eye Diseases

The human eye is a unique window to the world that allows us to observe it. It also will enable physicians to peer inside and discover a wealth of information that may signal other health problems. Eye doctors can identify early warning signs and manifestations of over 270 systemic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders.

Seeing your eye doctor regularly is one of the best ways to catch eye diseases in their early stages before they become more serious and lead to vision loss. For example, if you suddenly notice that your vision is blurry or that there are new floaters in your vision, it could indicate glaucoma.

An eye doctor near me can detect glaucoma by shining a light through your pupil to check for reflected light and by evaluating the thickness of your corneas and other standard tests, including peripheral (side) vision and color perception. They can also evaluate your eyesight by asking you to read letters on an eye chart and test your ability to see at both close and distance.


Preventing Vision Loss

Early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to preventing vision loss. Many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and cataracts, do not have noticeable symptoms in their early stages but can cause significant vision loss if left untreated. During an eye exam, your doctor will ask about your health history and perform tests to check your vision. These may include reading letters from a chart, testing your distance and up-close vision, observing your peripheral (side) vision, and checking the color of your eyes.

You can do things to reduce your risk of eye disease, including avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet, and wearing protective eyewear when playing sports, using power tools, or working with chemicals. However, visiting your ophthalmologist regularly is the best way to prevent eye disease. 


Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Your eyes are a window to your soul,” but they’re also a window into your overall health. That’s why seeing your eye doctor regularly is essential, especially if you wear corrective lenses like glasses or contacts.

During a comprehensive eye exam, your doctor will not only evaluate the health of your vision but can detect other non-eye-related health conditions as well. For example, high blood pressure can cause changes in the appearance of your retina’s blood vessels, which will often go unnoticed until a regular appointment.

A routine eye exam can also detect serious diseases with no symptoms in the early stages, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. If these diseases are left untreated, they can lead to irreparable vision loss.


Preventing Blindness

It’s important to visit your eye doctor at least once a year. During your appointment, the doctor will check your vision, including how well you see near and far. They will test your peripheral vision, focusing ability, and color perception. Sometimes, the doctor may dilate your pupil to understand better the blood vessels and nerves at the back of your eye. These tests can help your doctor detect health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, that can cause damage to the retina and lead to blindness.

Many people ignore eye health and vision problems until they affect their quality of life. If you’re having trouble seeing, squinting often, or having headaches, make an appointment with your eye doctor as soon as possible. You’ll be glad you did!

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