Guest Post Over at Dear Debt!

Hey y’all! Man, it’s been a busy couple of days. I have been working my tail off and watching a whole lot of movies. Catering has dominated my last two weekends and coaching is dominating my afternoons and non-profiting (not a real word) has been dominating my mornings. To top it off I’ve had to attend […]

Working Seven Days a Week

This morning I slept an hour past my alarm. I set my alarm for 8:00 every morning and try really hard to stick to getting up out of bed within 15 minutes of it. I love sleep and these cold winter mornings (mid-thirties in Austin- that’s freezing here!), it can be brutal to get out […]

Student Loan Interest Paid in 2014

I was hanging out the other night, scrolling through my Mint app and having a grand old time congratulating myself on the progress I’ve made so far this month on my loans. I was feeling pretty optimistic about what I’d been able to do thus far in 2015 and scheming about my payoff abilities in coming months. “If […]

No Spend February Update

I am officially one week into my No-Spend February and I thought I would update everyone on how this challenge is going. Newsflash: almost nothing in my life has changed! Turns out I already sort of live a no spend lifestyle. The only money I have spent thus far is $12.00 for gas. When coaching I […]