New Tax Package to Keep American Families Afloat and Businesses Competitive – But Is It Enough?

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a landmark tax package, delivering a significant policy shift aimed at supporting American families and businesses.  

A $78 Billion Package

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The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, valued at $78 billion, will provide extensive support through expanded child tax credits and revived business tax incentives.

Child Tax Credit Expansion

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Central to the bill is the child tax credit expansion, which will increase to $2,000 by 2025 from the current maximum of $1,600 per child.

The increase represents a targeted approach to support families struggling with inflation and the rising cost of living.

Business Incentives for Growth

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The package also includes tax incentives for businesses; most notably, it allows immediate deductions for domestic research and development investments.

The changes are designed to stimulate innovation and maintain the competitive edge of American firms on the global stage.

Bridging Competitiveness With China

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Missouri Republican Rep. Jason Smith emphasized the bill’s role in “sharpening the competitive edge against China,” highlighting the geopolitical significance of these financial measures. 

Alleviating Double Taxation

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The bill also aims to alleviate double taxation for businesses that operate in both the U.S. and Taiwan.

Tackling Housing Affordability

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In addition to direct financial relief, the bill aims to make housing more affordable by providing low-income housing tax credits. 

Disaster Relief

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Provisions for communities recovering from natural disasters, such as tax relief for families affected by hurricanes or wildfires, are also included.

Funding and Fiscal Responsibility

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To offset costs, the employee retention tax credit will come to an end earlier than initially planned.

This move has sparked debate over the appropriateness of using tax credits to fund new initiatives, with some lawmakers questioning the impact on the national debt.

Senate Uncertainty

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As the bill moves to the Senate, further amendments are expected.

The focus will be on balancing the immediate financial benefits against long-term fiscal sustainability, with lawmakers from both parties calling for a thorough examination.

Bipartisan Efforts

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The collaborative effort between both parties marks a rare instance of bipartisan agreement in today’s political climate. Paving the way for a proposal that combines priorities from both sides.

Debate Highlights

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While the bill received broad support, it faced criticism from both sides. Some conservative members labeled the expanded child tax credit as an unwarranted extension of the welfare state.

Democrats, on the other hand, argued the bill didn’t go far enough to assist low-income families.

Concerns Over Immigration

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Some Republicans, including Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good, are concerned about the possibility of undocumented immigrants benefiting from the child tax credit.

Despite regulations requiring a Social Security number for eligibility, this remains a contentious issue.

Business Competitiveness

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Rep. Drew Ferguson stood by the bill’s focus on business competitiveness, challenged the critique of the child tax credit, and emphasized the investment in American jobs rather than merely providing tax breaks.

Immediate Impact on Families

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The immediate financial impact of the child tax credit expansion is overdue, offering necessary support to millions of American families.

Businesses Poised for Growth

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For American businesses, the tax incentives represent a timely boost. By reducing the tax burden on research and development, American businesses will be encouraged to innovate and invest.

Competing Globally

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The strategic focus on promoting competitiveness against global rivals like China reflects the U.S.’s broader economic vision of securing its position as a leading economic power.

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The post New Tax Package to Keep American Families Afloat and Businesses Competitive – But Is It Enough? first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Evgeny Atamanenko.

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