Welcome back for another round of Smart or Dumb! Smart or Dumb is a series here where I present a financial question I have to my readers. I’ll present the question and you dear readers, must choose definitively one side, Smart or Dumb. You can’t waffle in between or play the devil’s advocate. You pick and then you explain why you’ve chosen this. It’s a game I’ve played many-a-time in my personal life and I love it!
Today’s question isn’t strictly financial but I could still use the wisdom of the internet to make the call.
I originally titled this blog with my full name to create a space for all my writing. As I mention on here, I do write about women in the media occasionally and there are a few other non personal finance topics near and dear to my heart. I intended for this to be my personal blog where I could showcase my writing on a bunch of different topics and house my collected works.
When I became dedicated to paying off my debt, this blog morphed into a personal finance/debt freedom blog. Which in a lot of ways was totally awesome! I was motivated to write about money, I learned a lot about myself and money in the process, I built up a lil community through this blog and have had a blast writing along the way.
As I’m moving forward though, the desire to write about other things is still there. I always wanted to be a writer and I do still think it would benefit me to have a website where I can keep all my writings. I want to write about race, gender, travel, women, media…all distinctly non personal finance things.
I also want to keep writing about personal finance! My frugal journey is a huge part of my life and I love being a part of this online community. I am not giving it up!
So here’s what I’m thinking of doing:
moving the content from this domain name over to another one, one more personal finance-y. I would continue to blog about pf things and frugal living on that site and change the content of this one to writing about my many other interests.
I want people to be able to google me and find this site as a general info and sample page. I also realize that while the cat’s out of the bag for an anonymous pf blog, I would like the blog title of that site to be something other than my name.
Here’s another question for you: how do you feel about the name ‘fromfrugaltofree.com’? It’s what I’m leaning towards for my pf blog.
BUT WAIT! Here’s why all this change may be dumb:
I don’t want to lose the followers I’ve already got on and through this blog. This blog is already linked to all the sites where I freelance contribute too. Of course I can change those links, but I can’t change the impression I’ve already made in the community. Have I already made my bed and now need to lay in it?
What do you think followers? Is this a good or bad idea? Is it feasible? Should I just deal or should I change it up?

Kara Perez is the original founder of From Frugal To Free. She is a money expert, speaker and founder of Bravely Go, a feminist financial education company. Her work has been featured on NPR, Business Insider, Forbes, and Elite Daily.