Hiring A Personal Stylist

Hiring A Personal Stylist

I have been on a weight loss journey. As I’ve gotten smaller, I’ve gained more confidence in my look and am trying to change my style. I’m a basic girl, and I love it, but I want to be more dressy on vacation. I’ve been purchasing new clothes, but I’m confused about how I should put them together. While I’m not at my goal weight, I’m three months out from hitting it. At that time, I want to have my wardrobe together and ready to wear. With that being said, I’ve played around with the idea of hiring a stylist. While I know stylists can be costly, I’m looking into frugal options. If you’re interested in doing the same thing, follow along for hiring personal stylist tips.

Hiring a Professional

Hiring a professional stylist is among the most costly of options. I looked on the web and social media for options. At an average of over $1000, I will be passing. However, if you have the money to spare, there are great options available. Some companies do virtual styling, as well as act as your shopper. The benefit of using a professional stylist is that you typically get better style options, customized color pallets and clothing selections, and a more personable experience.

Affordable Personal Stylist Options

If you want a personal stylist but do not want to hire a costly professional, there are options for you. You can go on sites like Fiver and hire someone to create looks. They’re a range of options costing between $20 to $100+. For this, you typically get a brief meeting with the stylist to discuss your style goals, likes, dislikes, and aesthetics. They will then provide you with a lookbook with various styles. The lookbook comes with different outfit arrangements, accessories, handbags, and shoes, and where you can purchase the items. You buy what you want and skip what you don’t.

Online Wardrobe and DIY

Another option is using a digital closet you can manage yourself. There are a few out there that will help you put together outfits based on what’s in your wardrobe. Start by taking pictures of your clothing, shoes, and accessories and upload them to a digital closet. From there, you can create outfits on your own or use the app to customize selections for you. If your app has social media components, make your wardrobe public and have members of the platform help dress you.

Out of all these selections, Im choosing to catalog my wardrobe and let the app help me amp up my style.

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