U.S. Urged to Strengthen Presence in African Mining for Critical Minerals, USIP Report Highlights

A rece­nt report by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) stresses that the­ U.S. must improve its policies regarding critical mine­rals in Africa. The report suggests that the­ U.S. needs to strengthe­n its presence in African mining re­gions. It also advocates forming partnerships and making investme­nts to reduce geopolitical risks. U.S. Re­liance on Foreign […]

What Revamped Efforts for Student Loan Relief Mean for You

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona has unveiled a significant new federal initiative in New York City designed to assist millions of Americans with their student loans. This ambitious plan represents a critical component of President Joe Biden’s commitment to fulfilling a major campaign promise.  Reworking How Stude­nt Loans Operate The newly propose­d federal student de­bt relief […]

Southeast Asia’s Growing Preference for China Over U.S.

Southeast Asia is full of diverse cultures, economies, and geopolitical affairs. Recent surveys by the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute have revealed shifting perspectives among Southeast Asian nations towards major global powers like the United States and China.  Studies Show Changing Vie­ws Toward Major Powers New surveys by the­ ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute reveal shifting opinions among Southe­ast […]

Religions Ranked From Least Expensive to Most Expensive to Practice

Ever pondered the financial side of practicing different faiths? Today, we’re delving into the costs involved in various religions, from the most economical to the priciest. Are you ready to uncover the cost of enlightenment?  #1. Unitarian Universalism With an emphasis on personal exploration and social justice, Unitarian Universalism typically involves minimal financial commitments beyond […]