Wanna Be Frugal?

Wanna Be Frugal?

Frugality is an art not everyone has mastered. It takes true patience and skills to implement it into your life. If you have frequently overspent, engored yourself in material things, and need a reality check, it could be something to ascribe to. If you wanna be frugal, here are a few tips for you.


You are going to start or reevaluate your budget. This means taking a long hard look at your bank statements. See what money is coming in and where it is coming out. Make note of overspending patterns and categorize your purchases into needs and wants. Then go line for line in your budget to see where you can cut and save realistically.

Scrutinize Purchases

After making a finite budget, you need to stick to it. Ensure you are making purchases within your allotted budget amount. If it’s outside the budget, scrutinize it. Ask yourself do you need the item or if you can live without it. For me, If I think about how much the space the item takes up in a home with no storage and whether or not it will make me happy and fulfilled to make the purchase. If not, I put it back.

Look For Sales

When making purchases, go for quality products and services at a discount. Do not be afraid to look for coupons. I have coupons, discounts, and apps for all of my favorite restaurants and stores around town. I even follow a few deal pages, just in case a big-ticket item I need has a huge markdown or goes on sale.


Lastly, D.I.Y. what you can. That does not mean resorting to fixing or building things you have zero clue about. That means taking on easy projects you can put together that do not require professional services. Something easy to read up on or learn about through video. For me, it was painting rooms, putting together IKEA furniture and securing it to walls, and recocking some places in my home.

If you wanna be frugal, these are just a few tips to help you along the way. Watch the posted video for more tips.

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