What to Know Before your Home Renovation

If you want to renovate your home but don’t know where to start, you are not the only one. Many homeowners start the process but don’t know where they are going or what to expect. But that can lead to mishaps that will cause you to regret your lack of a plan. There are several things you should know before starting the process.

Create a Budget

It’s important to start researching the cost of the project. Have a few contractors come in and tell you how much they will charge for the project. Look up the cost of materials and appliances as well. Then you can get a good idea of how much you can expect to spend if you try to save money. Consider how you will pay for the renovations. For example, you might consider taking out a personal loan from a private lender to utilize low rates. Then you don’t have to worry about having enough in the bank to pay for the project.

Spending Time in the Area

It might seem obvious, but it’s a good idea to avoid making some decisions, like choosing new flooring and lighting, until you have been in the area long enough. For example, if you want to rip out the existing carpet and put in something else, the options can be overwhelming since there are so many. The answer will depend on the other renovation aspects, such as the right paint colors. Even if you know about what color you want the walls, you will need to see them in the space. Your wants might change as you spend more time in your home. When you have new carpet and paint in the space, you might find the existing light doesn’t work the way you had hoped it would. By spending more time thinking about how these things will look together, you can save time and effort later on.

Being Realistic about the Timeline

The project will likely take longer than you expect, so it’s a good idea to be prepared and accommodate these issues. For example, you might not think it will take that long to replace your bathtub and the counter. However, it can take several hours to take out the old pieces, and it will take even longer to find something you love and have it installed. The delivery time can take a while as well. You might expect to use it within a week or so, but that can turn into a few weeks.

Consider Several Contractors

It’s a good idea to interview a few different contractors and compare the prices. For example, perhaps you want to get the hot water heater out of a closet and install another one in your garage. One might tell you it’s necessary to reroute the water lines, cut into the floor and ceiling, and that it will cost several thousand dollars. They might give a multi-day estimate of how long it will take. But another contractor might tell you it can be done without moving the water lines and that it will only be a couple thousand dollars. Remember, doing your research now can help you save money later on.

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