23 Budget-Friendly Ways to Stay Fit – No Gym Fees Required

It’s time to make a change for the better. According to a 2022 study, over half of Americans admit they don’t live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re one of those who confessed to that, today’s your lucky day. It’s time to overhaul your life and maintain a healthier lifestyle. 

#1. Don’t Judge Nutrients on Looks

Person using an online grocery delivery service
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may be overpaying for produce at the grocery store. It’s time to stop paying a premium for good-looking nutrients.

Many online produce delivery services offer slightly damaged produce at a discount; don’t hesitate to take advantage of this! After all, nutrients are nutrients no matter how they are packaged. 

#2. Practice Healthy Sleep Patterns

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Your sleep patterns may be to blame if you suffer from suboptimal health. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning is a practice that healthy, thriving people engage in.

Staying up late is best left in your early 20s; maintaining healthy sleep patterns is a straightforward strategy that costs nothing and will only benefit you. 

#3. Go Meatless

Meatless meal
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pound of meat costs over $10, which is only slated to rise in the face of more inflation.

While meat is part of millions of Americans’ diets, the frugal solution is simple: Go meatless! Eliminating meat from your diet has obvious health benefits and is one of the most cost-efficient changes you can make. 

#4. Buy Frozen Fruits and Veggies

Customer buying frozen fruit
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables are still evident whether the produce is fresh or not, so why not save significant money by buying frozen food instead?

We can all use more fruits and veggies in our lives, and frozen versions of these favorites are far more affordable than buying fresh. Not only do they last longer, but they’re also easier to adapt into beverages like smoothies!

#5. Cut Out Alcohol

Young man refuses to drink beer.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Consuming adult beverages is a prohibitively expensive habit, whether people consume them in bars, restaurants, or the comfort of their homes.

Spend a few minutes lurking in various online forums. You’d come to the same conclusion I did. Countless people confess that their lives changed for the better when they eliminated alcohol consumption.

They felt better, got sick less, and saved more money every month. It’s not rocket science! 

#6. Utilize Sales

Weekly grocery advertisements and sales
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s time to level up your weekly trips to the grocery store! Instead of crafting a list of things to buy each week and diligently shopping for them, take advantage of sale items.

By basing your shopping list on what’s on sale rather than what you want to buy, you’ll inevitably save money and be forced to be more creative with what you eat.

A healthy lifestyle is attainable. Weekly sales can make it infinitely more accessible. 

#7. Embrace the Coupon Life

Woman using coupons to buys her groceries
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Speaking of taking advantage of sales, there are serious savings to be had by embracing the coupon life!

Growing up, I distinctly remember my mom clipping coupons every Sunday morning on the living room floor and reaping the benefits later in the day when she went grocery shopping.

In today’s world, the savings are still there for the taking. Clipping coupons (now mostly digital) is a great frugal tip to maintain and foster a healthy lifestyle!

#8. Exercise More

Man exercising in his home
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Arguably, the best advice that exists is to exercise more.

It doesn’t matter how you do it; do it. Whether you do pushups around the house, jog around the neighborhood, or do squats in your garage every morning, exercising more is a cost-effective way to better yourself in almost every way.

Never forget: Exercising is free. In addition, many smartphone apps can help you stay focused on your fitness goals, ultimately helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

#9. Cut Out Sugary Snacks

Woman avoiding sugar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I’m not the biggest snacker in the world, but even I am sometimes tempted by potato chips, cookies, and delicious Hostess treats.

However, if we all use common sense, we’d come to the same conclusion: Cutting out sugary snacks saves us money and helps contribute to our overall health.

Sugary snacks put a significant dent in our grocery budgets each month, and by eliminating them, we’re easing the load on our wallets while contributing to our overall health. 

#10. Drink More Water

Young woman drinking water
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Only good things can come from drinking more water. If you’re anything like me, your water intake slowly decreases as the day goes on, and you most likely don’t drink enough water as you should.

Although I drink lots of water every morning at the gym, I should be better about drinking it throughout the day. As any expert will tell you, drinking more water is the key to a healthier lifestyle!

#11. Embrace Meditation

Woman mediating on the couch
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Although meditation only appeals to a specific subset of people, its benefits are apparent. Meditating helps you achieve more restful sleep, reduces anxiety, eases blood pressure, and improves your attention span and emotional health.

Countless smartphone apps can help you slowly implement daily meditation into your everyday life so you can “test drive” the process to see if it works for you. What do you have to lose?

#12. Go Outside More

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Be honest with yourself: Are you reading this indoors? If so, it’s probably time to reassess how much time you spend inside each day. Going outside is another free way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

As long as you’re not overindulging in adult beverages while strolling through a park, nearly every outdoor activity has major health benefits! A sedentary lifestyle doesn’t do anyone any favors. 

#13. Buy in Bulk

Man shopping at Costco
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When shopping for groceries (especially meat), the rule is straightforward: The more you buy, the more you save!

Discount wholesalers like Costco and Sam’s Club allow shoppers to purchase food in bulk, and even your local grocery store has options for beef, chicken, and other proteins.

Buying in bulk is a savvy budgeting decision that can save significant cash when combined with a proper diet. 

#14. Meal Prep

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Let’s face it: Nobody enjoys meal prepping, but it’s an activity that more men and women should be doing! (It’s also an ideal way to take advantage of all that “buying in bulk” you’ve hopefully been doing lately!)

While some people are turned off by eating the same basic meal throughout the week, others look forward to guaranteeing they take in essential nutrients and vitamins as a trade-off for variety. You can’t argue with that logic. 

#15. Avoid Organic Produce

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Living a healthy lifestyle and practicing frugality is a delicate balancing act. However, it often boils down to saving money at the grocery store.

Fans of organic produce, listen up: While sustainability is a pain point for many consumers, most organic produce is sold at a premium.

To save a few dollars, it’s worth it to “downgrade” to non-organic foods. Trust me, it gets easier with time. Organic produce should be considered a luxury item moving forward. 

#16. Work Out at Home

Woman exercising at home
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If buying a monthly gym membership is out of your budget, don’t stress. Working out at home is a free solution that can be equally effective!

Spend a few minutes on YouTube, and you’ll discover an endless stream of free at-home fitness programs that can whip you into shape in no time.

Living a frugal and healthy lifestyle is only possible if you prioritize your physical health!

#17. Buy Generic vs. National Brands

Generic medication
Generic medication, off-brand medication

Are you ready for your world to be rocked? Well, here goes nothing: The only difference between generic store brands and national brands in grocery stores is a marketing budget.

Most food and products are made in the same factories using the same ingredients but ultimately packaged differently.

You can save lots of money weekly by switching to generic brands for everything from cereal to over-the-counter medicine. 

#18. Take Up Gardening

Woman gardening for fresh produce
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Gardening isn’t just for the boomer generation anymore; more and more people of all ages are getting into this delightful household activity.

Whether you want to go all-in on a backyard garden of your own or invest a few minutes a day with an indoor herb plant, growing the food you eat is a fantastic way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Your options are limitless; most fruits, veggies, and herbs can be grown in gardens regardless of climate!

#19. Utilize Credit Card Rewards

Woman taking advantage of credit card rewards
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the best-kept secrets in the financial wellness world is the value of using a rewards credit card. Although the best credit cards are usually reserved for those with good credit, the value is incredible.

You earn rewards with every purchase and can trade those rewards for cash-back awards, hotel stays, flights, gift cards, and other amenities.

Sometimes, you must spend a little to reap significant lifestyle benefits! If you don’t utilize a rewards credit card, you’re leaving money on the table; getting things for free doesn’t hurt your healthy mindset. 

#20. Stop Throwing Away Food

Person throwing food away in garbage can
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Food waste is an epidemic in society today; it’s estimated that the average American throws away 325 pounds of food annually, a shocking number!

When you throw out food, you also throw your hard-earned money into the trash can. Moving forward, you have two choices: Either buy less food or be more disciplined when planning your meals.

Whatever you choose, your wallet will thank you for it! 

#21. Order Groceries Online

Woman ordering groceries online
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A person’s weekly trip to the grocery store or supermarket can be one of the most anxiety-ridden errands; stores are often packed, they spend more than they intended, and items are out of stock.

Save yourself the mental anguish by ordering groceries online through your store’s smartphone app and then picking them up curbside! In addition, you’ll also prevent any unneeded impulse buys by ordering everything online. 

#22. Maximize What You Already Have

Woman maximizing her pantry
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

From the food in our refrigerators and pantries to the books on our shelves (and everything in between), countless people recommend maximizing the things you already have instead of constantly buying more “things.”

You’d be surprised at how much you already own that can spark joy, keep your mind young, and entertain you. Stop buying things you don’t already have and learn to appreciate what you do. 

#23. Journal More

Woman journaling in her bedroom
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Putting your thoughts down to paper is free and has tangible benefits. According to recent studies, journaling can help you achieve goals, reduce stress, and boost your memory.

Honestly, who would say no to all those benefits? My girlfriend journals every morning, and I’m happy to report that she’s among the most balanced, healthy, and well-rounded people I know. 

Source: StudyFinds.

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The post 23 Budget-Friendly Ways to Stay Fit – No Gym Fees Required first appeared on From Frugal to Free.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Prasanth Inturi.

The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or replace professional financial advice.

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