Summer Garden Activities for The Family

Summer Garden Activities

Nothing brings families together like the great outdoors. While some people may like hiking and swimming, others may love doing activities right outside their door. One of my favorite spring-summer activities is tending to my garden. Not only does it bring the family together, but it is also cost-effective and can provide a whole lot of food to enjoy. If you’re looking for a simple, frugal, bonding activity, here are summer garden activities to try. n


If you have been growing plant starts indoors for the summer, it’s time to plant them. Depending on your crop, you can plant it in containers or the ground. Have your children pick the best starts and get to work. They can dig holes for plants you’re going to directly sow or transplant in the group. Also, they can gather potting soil for the ones in the containers. Right now, my family is gearing up to transplant some ground cherries, tomatillos, and melon.

Seed Collecting

While not every plant is ready to stop growing, there may be a few ready to flower and set seeds. If you have any bolted brassicas or lettuce varieties, perfect. Bolting happens when a plant becomes too hot. The heat causes the underdevelopment of the fruit and instead produces flowers. The flower then produces seed pods that can be extracted once the pod and stock have turned brown. This is not limited to bolted plants. Once a plant in your garden matures and turns brown, you can begin the process.

Artistic Elements

If your kids are artistic, get hands-on with some cute DIY projects. Create cute teacup birdfeeders, or try your hand at some crafty stepping stones. You can decorate your garden with mason jar chandeliers and make cute plant markers. There are so many things you can do, but if your mind is drawing a blank, check out Pinterest for some ideas.

The garden is a fun place to be, especially during summer with the family being all together. If you’re looking for ways to add some fun to the long days, summer garden activities could be the move.

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