How To Save Money on Razor Blades

save money on razor blades

I used to spend a lot of money on shaving supplies. After all, it took me a long time to find razors that worked well with my skin. Therefore, I stuck to those razors for a long time. However, I didn’t want to spend a fortune on shaving forever. It’s just not the most important thing in my budget. Therefore, I decided to learn how to save money on razor blades.

Subscription Clubs for Razor Blades

I tried a lot of different ways to save money on razor blades. However, what I ultimately landed on was the right monthly subscription club. For me, that’s Dollar Shave Club. However, there are other options out there. Byrdie says that while Dollar Shave Club is best for men, Billie is actually better for women. Moreover, they recommend Harry’s overall. These days every razor company is trying to get into the subscription club game so you can also check out Gillette Venus, The Women’s Shave Club, Wet Shaving Club, the Happy Legs Club and others.

Take the Time to Find the Right Razors

The most important thing for me was to find the right razors. I am a woman who shaves daily. Therefore, I need a razor that’s going to stand up to daily wear like that. I had used many different razor brands for women and loved them. However, surprisingly, I found that a simple men’s razor from Dollar Shave Club actually works well for me. That said, don’t be afraid to test out different monthly subscriptions until you find the razor that’s right for you. The cheapest one on the market won’t do if it leaves you with a bad shave and a bad mood.

Kalyn Brooke found that a lot of people pay extra money for specialty razors that really aren’t worth the cost. For example, razors with lots of blades and a moisturizing strip are popular with women. I used those types of razors for a long time. However, they cost a lot more unnecessarily. A durable throwaway razor with a good, but affordable, shave gel, works really for me.

Save Money on Razor Blades By Treating Them Well

You may or may not find the razor you like through a subscription club. For example, some men find that it’s worth it to invest in a really good high-end razor / shaving kit. The long-term costs are worth it. Regardless of what razor you end up loving, you can save money by treating the razor well. In other words, make your razors last as long as possible if you want to save money on razor blades.

Kalyn Brooke recommends the following tips for keeping your razor blades in good condition:

  • Use the right shaving cream – or even hair conditioner – so that your blades don’t have to work so hard.
  • Always dry your blades immediately after use.
  • Moreover, once dry, soak the blades in olive oil or baby oil. This prevents rust.
  • Although we all like to keep our razor blades in the shower, the moisture makes them wear out more quickly. Therefore, store yours in a dry, cool place.
  • Take an old piece of denim. Run the blade up and down the denim to sharpen it.

These are just a few tips for how to keep razor blades durable.

Do you have any tips for how to save money on razor blades? Share in the comments to help others!

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